Please make sure to understand before purchasing the product so that there is no impossible progress due to unconfirmed notice.

Payment method
Reopen - Card payment only (Naver Pay not available)
Payment methods and options cannot be changed or canceled
(Even if it is confirmed after payment and before delivery, cancellation or change is not possible as the delivery information has been delivered to the company.)

Limited quantity and immediate delivery products are sent sequentially based on customers who have completed payment.
In the case of limited quantity products, automatic payment cancellation may occur due to the congestion of payments at the same time, and we will contact you individually when they are out of stock.

Discounts and benefits
Discount price - Member grade discount not available, coupon not available/reserve available, deposit available
Normal price - Membership grade discounts, coupons, reserves, deposits available

Delivery schedule
Only single orders before 1:00 can be sent on the same day.
There may be some delays in receiving quantity, and it may take 3 to 4 days excluding weekends.
(However, in the case of a heavy order, there may be a shortage due to simultaneous payment, delay in delivery, or out of stock.)

Information on A/S
_Within 6 months of purchase (cannot be processed afterward)
_Round shipping cost customer's burden, a/s paid processing
_Can't handle damage, deformation, etc. due to customer carelessness
_Not possible if subsidiary materials and fabrics are sold out
If you have any questions about _a/s, please contact 11am Customer Center.